I admit it, I put my hands up!!! I am addicted to crochet!! Oh to enjoy a little hooky goodness. Quite simply it’s delightful. It has been lovely to teach myself, I have just about grasped the basics but I still have a lot to learn. Most of the time I feel pretty useless, not being able to work and getting tired very easily, so it’s nice to do something I can enjoy even when I’m laid up in bed. It’s great to make something and feel a sense of achievement once it’s completed. However, I am also addicted to starting projects, before I have finished one I have probably started another two. But with my operation now only 10 days away! I have prioritised my crochet. So I have been crocheting everywhere, on the tube, on the coach, on the bus and at home, obviously J
My big sister is due to have a baby in a few weeks time, which I am so excited about. I am so convinced it will be a girl so I have been making a beautiful pink blanket. Probably a bit silly, but I have a 50% chance I will be right, so I’m going for it. If the baby is a boy, I will very happily make another blanket. Woo hoo!! It will give me an excuse to buy some lovely blue yarn.
My little sister is completely bemused by my crochet love, and thinks I’m a complete granny!!! Granny Chic I call it, but she likes to mock me, I don’t mind, she is kind of right and very funny.
I knitted the baby mittens with the help of my mum, I know the basics of knitting but this is the first time I have tried rib, decreasing and increasing so it’s a good project for a beginner like me. I would like to knit or crochet a whole baby outfit, but that would mean starting a new project and I really should finish what I’m already doing. Who am I kidding, like that’s going to happen!
I can’t wait to have a cuddle with my new niece or nephew.