Friday, 30 September 2011

Confessions of a Crochet Addict

I admit it, I put my hands up!!! I am addicted to crochet!! Oh to enjoy a little hooky goodness.  Quite simply it’s delightful.  It has been lovely to teach myself, I have just about grasped the basics but I still have a lot to learn. Most of the time I feel pretty useless, not being able to work and getting tired very easily, so it’s nice to do something I can enjoy even when I’m laid up in bed.  It’s great to make something and feel a sense of achievement once it’s completed.  However, I am also addicted to starting projects, before I have finished one I have probably started another two.  But with my operation now only 10 days away! I have prioritised my crochet.  So I have been crocheting everywhere, on the tube, on the coach, on the bus and at home, obviously J 


My big sister is due to have a baby in a few weeks time, which I am so excited about.  I am so convinced it will be a girl so I have been making a beautiful pink blanket.  Probably a bit silly, but I have a 50% chance I will be right, so I’m going for it.  If the baby is a boy, I will very happily make another blanket.  Woo hoo!!  It will give me an excuse to buy some lovely blue yarn.


My little sister is completely bemused by my crochet love, and thinks I’m a complete granny!!! Granny Chic I call it, but she likes to mock me, I don’t mind, she is kind of right and very funny. 


I knitted the baby mittens with the help of my mum, I know the basics of knitting but this is the first time I have tried rib, decreasing and increasing so it’s a good project for a beginner like me. I would like to knit or crochet a whole baby outfit, but that would mean starting a new project and I really should finish what I’m already doing. Who am I kidding, like that’s going to happen!

I can’t wait to have a cuddle with my new niece or nephew.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Inspirational People

Throughout this journey from first diagnosis, to managing UC, during flare ups, to having surgery and during my recovery I have gained so much from reading other blogs and websites.  The internet is fantastic for gathering resources and gaining knowledge, it enables me to see sense of the things I don’t understand.  But most importantly I have been inspired by the writers and the people willing to share their stories however personal and that is a gift to be thankful for.  I would like to mention Dennis and Nadia who are over on The United Colon Vlog , I am so grateful that during a particularly awful day I discovered their videos on YouTube.  When I wasn’t sat on the toilet seat I watched the videos and began to see that I, like them, could manage this and having a stoma really wasn’t so bad.  I watched their videos and got acquainted with the idea of myself having a stoma and how I could make this a positive thing.   I never really told people I was preparing myself for the possibility of having a stoma, but I knew it, in my heart, I knew my body and colon could not keep going and I began to feel that this previous alien concept of having a stoma could be a reality for me.  I was determined to be prepared, and I am so glad I did.

 I was not really coping with my colitis and had an extremely nasty flare up at home and was rushed to hospital in an ambulance.  I stopped breathing, my temperature was 38.6 and my CRP level was around 300.  I had a colonoscopy in the hospital once they had stabilised me and was swiftly greeted by a surgeon as soon as I reached my room.  I don’t really think I had much of a choice, my colon defiantly needed to be removed, but I ultimately had to give INFORMED consent.  Which I did very gladly, I had my emergency colectomy about 12 hours later.  During which I continued to be in excruciating pain and on the loo with blood pouring out of me.  This was obviously not the best time to be looking into stomas and surgery etc, which is why I will never forget Dennis and Nadia for the rest of my life.  Two strangers who have helped me greatly, who have inspired me and given me hope.  I continue to watch their useful videos and this helps me to feel more prepared.  I prefer to know what could happen rather than be in the dark.  Knowledge is power.

So, although I’m sure lots of you have stumbled across Dennis and Nadia, I hope that if you haven’t you now know where to reach them.  Hopefully you will find their videos and articles as helpful as I have.

On the right hand side of my blog, you will find a list of useful websites and blogs that I read.  I would like to mention Hannah from SemiColon who is also another inspiration; I think she has been through it all, but my goodness whatever is thrown at her she keeps on smiling.  We can all groan and moan and shout and be angry but when life is throwing some hard stuff at you and you can still believe and still be positive, that is truly inspirational.  Also she has the best t-shirt ever... which I SOOOO want for my next stay in have got to laugh.  Sometimes laughter really is the best medicine J
I’d also like to forward on the request to pray for Nadia who is again, unfortunately in hospital, it seems her disease is very stubborn so I pray that she will recover quickly and that the staff around her make her better and as comfortable as possible. 

I hope you all have a positive and inspirational day. Lx

Surgery in two weeks

This time in two weeks I will probably be in a recovery bed, after having my rectum removed, j-pouch and loop illeostomy constructed. Wow!!! that's major!  I got the call a week ago and I am feeling a mixture of emotions ranging from, nervous, excited, scared, happy,annoyed,angry,sad,overwhelmed.  Mainly I am nervous, but I am trying to be courageous and keep positive      Worrying will not change the outcome only use up my precious energy, so I am trying to give up negativity and think about all the positive things.  Like how for the first time in years I will be able to say I'm DISEASE FREE!!!! How good does that sound.

Ultimately I have made an informed decision that I am happy with and that is the most important thing.  I am well aware of the complications but to me its worth a go...I could be one of the lucky ones and this time next year could be writing about how my j pouch is working out for me...and telling you all the joys of butt burn!!! haha...that would be an interesting read.

I really want it too work, but if it doesn't I would live a content life with a stoma, in fact that is my main reason for being so upset.  This may seem ridiculous to some people but I will mourn my stoma going, I love Winnie completely..she has totally saved my life and given me back ME!!! Lets hope this new stoma behaves just as lovely as Winnie has...a new name will be revealed when I have my new stoma :) yes people I'm a little mad, but it keeps me smiling.

I hope you are all doing well.

L x