Sunday, 25 March 2012

J-Pouch Op Tomorrow!

The day has nearly arrived, I am packing my bags for the hospital in preparation for tomorrows take down surgery!  I'm am feeling a mixture of emotions from, excited, nervous, sad, happy but in the most part I'm in denial!! I can't get my head around the fact that tomorrow I will have my reversal and have a poo (the normal way).  Today will possibly be my last stoma bag change forever, that seems incomprehensible.  I'm not nervous about the operation, but thinking about going for a poo is really, really scary.  I'm scared I will feel like I have UC again, scared about the possibility of being incontinent and scared I will feel restricted again by my bowel habits.  But I really can't control any of these things and try to remind myself to be positive and confident.  I am SO determined to be a successful J-poucher :)  Worrying won't get me anywhere.   So lets focus on what I am looking forward to:

Eating a more varied diet, especially salad.
Absorbing more nutrients and fluids.
Lying on my front.
Not having the bag on.
Low cut jeans and clothes.
Wearing small pants.
Another step forward to recovering and getting a job.
Reaching my goal of being healthy and being able to look forward to starting a family in a few years. 
No more medications.
No more operations.

Goodbye stoma, hello J-Pouch!

L x

1 comment:

  1. Hi Miss Laura, I see on fb that you made it through successfully. I am so proud of you!! You will do great with your J pouch, I am confident! Praying for your recovery!
    Hannah ;)
