Thursday, 15 December 2011

Sleep and Counselling...yes please.

Why oh why!! Can I not sleep?  It feels like all of a sudden I have lost the ability to switch off and fall asleep.  Some nights it takes me four hours!  Oh my days!  It's not just me either, it seems my fellow UC'ers! and Ostomates are with me on this one.  After years on the dreadful Pred, which even when you are totally exhausted make you a complete hyper insomniac.  I have acquired bad sleeping habits.  It's not because I'm not tired, I am totally depleted of any energy by 8pm.  So why can't I sleep?  I went to the doctors about this the other week and a few other things, of course.  I was given a small course of sleeping tablets to help me get back into the habit of going to bed and falling asleep quickly.  I am determined not to go back to the doctors and ask for more as I feel, surely I should be able to get to sleep naturally.  My poor body has had to cope with far too many drugs as it is. 
     One huge reason is I am traumatised by everything that has happened and often at night can't stop thinking about it all.  Why did it have to happen the way it did?  Why was I left to be in so much pain?  How could a nurse leave me sitting in my own urine on a bed pan for nearly an hour? Why? Why? Why?  
So, I did the sensible thing and asked the doctor for some counselling. It felt good to admit I needed a bit of help and I feel better having just done that.  Hopefully this will help me conquer my fears and give me some confidence back.  I am a positive girl and I turn to God's love to guide me through this.  But even with the tools I already possess it is one could say not cutting the mustard! It Is never a stupid thing to reach out and ask for help.  
    As for the sleep, tonight, I will reach for the Bach sleep remedy, lavender drops and a deep sleep meditation cd and pray for a good nights sleep.

L x


  1. Yes love the cd its a guided deep sleep meditation and really helps. x
