Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Welcome ROO!! Who does lots of POO!!

On the 10th October 2011 Roo my Loop Illeostomy was created by a team of brilliant surgeons and on that day my j pouch was created! Well every Roo needs a pouch.  I have mixed emotions about my new stoma, I feel it has been acting like a baby, it demands so much attention, I eat and it poops A LOT!  After my new stoma was made the skin around my stoma separated, this has been really hard to deal with.  Having a wound that is very raw next to basically an erupting volcano spitting what seems like molten lava has not been pleasant.  I also have a very high output, which adds another factor in to its care.  Once out of hospital my bowels that were very sluggish decided to wake up and have been very active since.  This is very normal with a loop illeostomy because the stoma is much higher up in the digestive tract. It is something I am still learning how to manage.  My community stoma nurse came to see me last week to help me, I was told I may need Silver Nitrate treatment but because of a few changes and another week praying things will heal, they are.  My stoma nurse was very happy with my progress today and said she was pleased with how I am healing and gave me the lovely words... “Your fine, I won’t need to do anything”.  I am thrilled, it feels like I am seeing the light again, with regards to my skin.  It needs a few more weeks to be in tip top condition but it is getting there and is feeling so much better.
                I would suggest to anyone having difficulties with their skin or stoma to get in touch with their stoma nurses, a few changes can make a huge difference.  I am now using a more convex bag, which helps to protrude the small stoma I have.  I also now wear a belt, which works on the same principle of holding the bag closer to my body keeping the stoma out and away from my skin.  I use the amazing mouldable seals, which are quite frankly a God send, they are fantastic.  All of these things combined are really helping things to heal.  One of the best products with separated skin or sore skin is ostomy powder.  Apparently if you put it on and it holds and doesn’t fall off, it is a sign that it is the right time to use it.  Obviously less is always more, but sometimes you need that extra bit of help. 
Today I have been given Absorba Gel, a solidifying agent which will help to thicken my watery output.  They are small packets that are popped into the bag.  So far it has helped and emptying my bag seems less daunting when it isn’t so watery.  I have also been taking Loperamide every day, some days I need to take more other days less.  I just take each day as it comes and slowly I will get there. 
I am still very sad about losing Winnie and when I admit this I think I must be mad, and to some of you reading this you might think why on earth would she miss that!! But I do.  I am slowly getting used to little Roo and her demands on my body and on my patience. 
Wishing you all health and happiness.

1 comment:

  1. This is exactly the kind of thing I want to know more about, and from someone who is living it, not some medical pdf.

    So thank you for posting about this.
