It's been a few week's since I've posted and I've been up to lots of lovely things. I have been making the most of the days when I feel good and have more energy and it has been so good to get out of the house. I was housebound for around three months before my last operation so being able to do things again has been wonderful. I am back at my knitting group which is lovely, and I took twelve baby blankets to be given to the local hospital. I even joined a new knitting group as well. I have visited family and spent time with my nieces and nephews. I have been to a beer festival :) and even had some Indian Pale Ale which was delicious. But the best thing I have done is achieving my goal to be able to watch Team GB at the Equestrian Events during the Olympics :) It was awesome. Last weekend I went to the Paralympic's and watched the Athletic's, it was a lovely summer's evening and we we cheered and clapped and had grins on our faces for the whole six hours we were there. Watching the Paralympic's has been amazing and inspiring.